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David C Sales


Expert Witness & Forensic Engineering:

Mechanical, Electrical, Public Health,
Renewable Systems & Building Construction

                         "Justice, Truth and Impartiality, In Accordance With the Law"

David C. Sales began his career in 1972 as a trainee engineer and has worked within a variety of organizations across both the private and public sectors broadly covering the equipment distribution, petrochemical, civil service, consulting, contracting, property development, retail and facilities management industries. Notable companies have included Humphreys & Glasgow, Property Services Agency - Department of the Environment, Denco Miller LtdBuro Happold (under Emeritus Professor Derek Clements-Croome BSc, MSc, PhD, EurEng, CEng, CPhys, FICE, FCIBSE, FRSA, FASHRAE, FInstP), Michael Auckett Associates, Longstaff & Shaw Ltd, Thorn Benham Ltd, Marryat Jackson Norris Ltd (MJN), Broadgate Estates, Atelier Ten (under Patrick Bellew, BSc, (Hons) RDI, FRENG, HON FRIBA, FRSA, CENG, FEI, FCIBSE, MASHRAE), Martin Clowes Associates, Ian White Associates, Hoare Lea & Partners, Homebase, Uponor to mention just a few. He now offers strategic advice and solutions on all matters pertaining to Building Services Engineering with specialisms in Underfloor Radiant Heating and Expert Witness work. In 1995 David also appeared on the BBC1 TV Programme "Inside Out" presented by the well-known Interior Designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, on the subject of underfloor heating for one of the project episodes. Similarly, in the past David has established many Clients in architecture one being for several years with Birkin and Joanne Hayward of the well known practice van Heyningen Hayward, known as vHH, in connection with their London house. In addition, prominent celebrity Clients have included renowned Broadcaster Naturalist Sir David Attenborough, Musician Singer Robbie Williams, Comedians Bill Bailey/Jim Davidson and last but not least, Journalist TV Presenter Fiona Phillips.

David C. Sales graduated from Croydon College of Design & Technology in 1979 after 7 years and furthermore, studied Environmental Engineering at the London South Bank University (LSBU) during 1984/85 together with short vocational attendances at Bath and Bristol Universities. He proudly holds the IHVE Graduates Diploma (1977) and took 3rd Place in the Burmah Castrol Award (1986) for his collected written works on energy reclaim and futuristic heating technologies, respectively. In 1984 he was honoured to be Guest Speaker at the IDHEE (now merged with CIPHE) Annual Conference on the subject of Microwave Energy. 2019 saw him become a registered Expert Witness with the Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (CIPHE), National Expert Witness Agency (NEWA) and Your Expert Witness both in 2024.


Sales, D. C. (1977). IHVE Graduates Diploma: A Conspectus of Thermal Reclamation Methods Applied in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems, IHVE Journal.

Sales D. C. (1983). Environmental Appraisal of Atria, IET Journal (Spring Issue) & IDHEE Newsletter (both April 1983).

Sales D. C. (1986). Burmah Castrol Award (3rd Place): An Investigation Into the Potential of Microwave Radiant Energy as a Source of Heating for Human Comfort, Building Services Engineering Research & Technology Journal (1983).


Advisory Reports, Investigations, Condition Surveys, Contractual Disputes, Arbitration, Expert Witness & Forensic Analysis/Studies.                                        


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